Friday, March 12, 2010

Fwd: SEA Monster

SEA MONster(THis is A Fish)

I for one hope this is just an illusion, or I wont be taking a dip in the sea so soon. However, original owner claims this is a real sea monster that was dumped by the sea on a near-bye beach. Discovery Channel also claimed that unbelievable sea creatures live in deep-sea, and that we aren't aware of their existance. Probably this one is a representative… but I doubt it. Decide for yourself, but before you do, jump inside this article for more pictures, and then jump to eBay for more info on this bid.

Mummyfied Sea Monster... or Not?
Mummyfied Sea Monster... or Not?
Mummyfied Sea Monster... or Not?
Mummyfied Sea Monster... or Not?

-----With Regard------
Dinesh Singh Sengar
It's so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to."

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Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India
The researcher, for life on other planets existence.I believe that life in the universe is the cause of life on Earth. Life in other forms do exist. Those whom we call Gods were Genitic Engineers and of Alien Origin they came here and spread life after life was destroyed on other planet. No smoking, no drinking,like to eat chocolates!